Designing Choicemaking a smarter living online
There are so many things to look at and understand when you are considering a business start-up.
From the law of the land, accounts and bookkeeping, to the practicalities of where to get the best value office supplies and where to get support from like minded business people.
Not exhaustive but I hope comprehensive, here are some resources to help get you on your way in your new business.
Believe it or not, the Government wants you to succeed in business (after all they can then get more tax out of us!), and have several pages with useful information.
To be fair there are many magazines and forums out there - just make sure to check out the "About us" page to judge how independent they are, and confirm how popular they are by the number of posts and their dates.
Not for business specifically, but about making the most out of what you have and stretching it out.
Amongst the many and varied "fake review" websites, there does exist a few truly honest review sites ...
Tech Advisor - Reviews, forums, information.
Trusted Reviews - Another reviews site.
Generally, when I go shopping, these are the two websites that I check with first.
Money Saving Expert - Free Office Software - Microsoft is NOT the only way! (and a great all-round website for all manner of money saving).
There are many websites selling older laptops and PCs new, refurbished, Use Tech Advisor or Trusted reviews to check what they were like.
If you want to buy new, don't be swayed by big names. For example, Clevo is one of the biggest laptop manufacturers in the world, and they supply "bare-bones" laptops to several well known big brands. So just because the laptop/PC you are looking at isn't a recognisable name, don't be put off - do some research.
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